Untitled Rainbow Project
I wrote a short, technical book!
I wrote a gentle introduction to PHP for web applications. The text is titled: "PHP For The Web: Enough to be Dangerous" and it is available for free online at: https://bryanhoffman.github.io/ and...
Permaculture 101
"Permaculture is revolution disguised as gardening." — Mike Feingold Gardening 101 Gardening is a rather cheap and accessible hobby. Without much space, much can be accomplished in containers. The...
Solvitur ambulando
To do anything at all, you have to first complete half of it. And then after that, the remaining half, and then... If we go on like this, it seems if one is to do anything at all, one will...
Dear Friend
Friend, Please remember that to err and learn something is not an error at all. If you should ever feel inadequate, know that the grandest processes have sculpted and refined your being for billions...
A Road-map for Young Investors
You're trying to get somewhere. It's a complex journey and you feel completely alone. The directions you were given were vague, and you're not sure you're going to arrive... alive. I'm talking about...