Unable to sleep, I sat in a dimly lit room and made this on a piece of A4 printer paper. I couldn’t tell what colors I was using in the dark.
Making art for the right reasons
Yes, it’s Squidward! When Squidward made art for the right reasons, he was happy. When he was comparing himself to others, he was not.
The Gestalt
I was taking a course in 2015 on the philosophy of personal identity as it relates to scientific progress. Gestalt psychology, to me, seemed like a step in the right direction. When individuals are considered as loose assemblages of distinct pieces, which science so often needs to do for ease of representation, the individual is lost.
Crystals in shear
While working in a computational physics lab, I was studying the material molybdenum disulfide. Encountering concepts from crystallography left me with a sense of cosmic wonder.