It’s been quite a while since I’ve published anything hasn’t it? Here’s a checklist I’ve used and iterated upon many a time when going on a trip.

-Clean dishes, sink, and run disposal if present
-clean laundry
-take out trash
-water plants

Let’s pause. Now by no means is this list going to cover everything. It’s probably impossible to make a universal and exhaustive checklist, and if it wasn’t, the list would be so unwieldy it is hard to imagine it being very useful. These four items are to prevent disasters. You don’t want to come back to moldy clothes, nasty dishes, smelly trash, and dying plants.

The next section of the checklist is for preventing unnecessary waste. You might want to:

-shut off or idle computers, air conditioner, water heater

Lastly, pack:

-medicine certainly prescriptions but think also of stuff like OTC allergy meds, melatonin, &c.
-electronic devices and their accessories like charging cables, headphones
-hygiene stuff