Write down your plan for EVERYONE to see


Well, that’s fucking scary… but okay.

I have a script written in PHP that will send me a text message programmatically.

<?php include('sms.php'); 
$my_sms = new txtmsg();
$subject = "Journal Reminder";
$body = "Write some stuff down!";

If I run the script:


I’ll get a text message shortly thereafter:


This prompts me to journal. Over the course of a month, a bunch of journal entries pile up:


I use the beginning of a new month as a prompt to reflect on all the journal entries in the past month. I ask myself: How did things go? What worked? What didn’t work? Where did I make progress? What should I celebrate? What am I giving too much energy?

This process begets a bunch new content:


From this process, I hope to achieve better clarity.