Imagine you were now dead, or had not lived before. Now, view the rest of your life as a bonus.

The world can be improved by your actions. It’s made better everytime you:

  • Do more with less
  • Give away your surpluses
  • Share good ideas
  • Try to transform yourself for the better
  • Seek truth

Every day:

  • Take care of yourself and others as best you can
  • Reflect on yesterday
  • Prepare for tomorrow
  • Remember that there is equal honor in suceeding and failing gracefully, for the honor is in trying

Writing, or maybe more precisely, symbolic reasoning, is a source of power, practically magic. Truth seekers can use writing and reasoning to:

  • Capture – record
  • Clarify – refine
  • Organize – curate
  • Reflect – review

A noble truthseeker:

  • knows they are in the business of discovery, not invention
  • empowers others as they have been empowered by those before them