Bryan Hoffman

Bryan Hoffman

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It’s peculiar. I want to write, but I don’t. I’ll set out with a strong intent and a dose of seriousness. I’ll try something ambitious. I’ll decide to jump in at 500 words a day. And, I’ll do it for...

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A Language Learning Lie

There are a lot of self-defeating and fatalistic statements that quietly pervade our thinking. Some of these get repeated to the point of cliche, and are nearly axiomatic. These things need to be...

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Advice (that’s mostly for myself)

I keep on running into folks who say how important the habit of writing and publishing daily has been to them, and I think: "I need to start doing that... tomorrow." Each and every time, I realize...

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The Neopets Trajectory

In a weird turn of events, Neopets turned me onto computer programming. Neopets was (and probably still is) essentially Tamagotchi on steroids. Much of my childhood got sunk into Neopets, so I’m...

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Distributed Science

The year is 2026. The time is 8:37 AM. A wall-mounted speaker comes on and a male’s voice announces that you’ve just crossed the border into Oregon. Beyond the window myriad shades of green whizz...

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