Whatcha thinkin’ ’bout?
Food is important. I want to be like the Khan academy guy. This is going to be a weird format. Should I join the Masons? Should I have not mentioned them? I have a manuscript. Gosh, that word sounds...
What am I?
As a child, I took after St. Augustine, without ever knowing it. I was raised Christian and felt a sort of pressure to claim that title. I didn't. I chose Jainism. I learned early that people will...
Permaculture 101
"Permaculture is revolution disguised as gardening." — Mike Feingold Gardening 101 Gardening is a rather cheap and accessible hobby. Without much space, much can be accomplished in containers. The...
It’s turtles the whole way down
Have you yet eaten from the tree of life? Do you understand yet? When you've digested a bit, you'll understand that every war has been a brother war. We are all the same family. There are hidden...
When we left
When we left, we took with us, the stories of our youth, and though, we may have embellished them or changed a name along the way, I like to think they're the same--the same as the stories told long...
Solvitur ambulando
To do anything at all, you have to first complete half of it. And then after that, the remaining half, and then... If we go on like this, it seems if one is to do anything at all, one will...